
At Humshaugh C of E (Aided) First School, we are very proud of the amount of PE opportunities we provide for the children on a weekly basis. The children are offered Physical Education (PE) through different activities throughout the school week.  The children in the Early Years Foundation Stage have continuous outdoor provision to improve gross motor skills and to develop movement patterns. Fine motor skills are then improved with tasks such as Funky Fingers and Dancing Doodles.


In Key Stage One, the children have PE Teacher Mr. Hulbert every Monday for PE lessons and the Year 2 children also have swimming on a Wednesday. In Key Stage One, skills are further developed by children being taught the foundations of movement, balance and co-ordination through sports skills, passing and receiving, dance, athletics, and striking and fielding.


Key Stage Two children then develop and apply these skills in team games such as cricket, tag rugby, tennis, netball, rounders and football.  Children engage in a wide variety of competitions as part of the partnership with Northumberland School Games.



Children have weekly swimming lessons in Years 2-4 throughout the year. This is a vital life skill which we ensure all children participate in.


After School Clubs

We have weekly After School clubs including Sports Club, Football, Dance, Yoga and Zumba. In addition, school organises special days such as Hoopstarz and Skipping festivals.

We organise visits to school including inspirational Sports people to lead sporting activities and inspire our children.

Our School Council also organises fund raising activities such as Dance Marathons and Colour Runs.


Sports Leaders

Children in Years 3 and 4 have the opportunity to be Sports Leaders. Their role includes taking the lead as a lunch time playleader as they take responsibility for the equipment, games and encourage team building skills.



All pupils at Humshaugh First School will benefit from a Physical Education curriculum which motivates them to succeed and participate in sport, games and exercise. It will offer good and appropriate opportunities for pupils to develop their fundamental movements, improve skills, resilience, knowledge and understanding to promote their health and fitness. They will have opportunities to compete in a wide variety of sports, games and other activities which will build their character and help to embed values and qualities such as determination, endurance, perseverance, fairness and respect.


PE Statement of Intent, Implementation and Impact


  1. To help children become physically active and to help them understand the importance of physical activity in promoting a healthy and active life.
  2. To help children develop and apply appropriate skills as they participate in a broad range of physical activities.
  3. To give children the opportunities to enjoy and engage in competitive sports, games and other physical activities in a range of increasingly challenging situations.
  4. To help children develop fundamental movement skills and become increasingly competent and confident, accessing a broad range of opportunities to extend their agility, balance and coordination both individually and with others.
  5. To teach all children to swim and know how to stay safe when they are near water.
  6. To give children an opportunity to enhance experiences for outdoor learning within our outdoor provision.
  7. To motivate children with personal best challenges and to take ownership of their own learning
  8. To ensure that all children are involved in learning, leading and officiating in their PE lessons and activities.


  1. We will use the National Curriculum for Physical Education to underpin our teaching and learning.
  2. We will teach children how to master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching as well as developing balance, agility and coordination and begin to apply these in a range of activities.
  3. We will provide opportunities for all children to participate in team games and competitive games which will be modified where appropriate (tag rugby, netball, hockey, football, rounders, tennis, cricket) and apply basic principles suitable for attacking and defending both during in and out of school time hours.
  4. We will provide opportunities for children to enjoy modern and cultural educational dance and to perform dances using simple movement patterns.
  5. Pupils will be taught to apply and develop a broad range of skills, learning how to use them in different ways and to link them to make actions and sequences of movement.
  6. Appropriate physical activities will be used to develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance through all lessons.
  7. Before they leave school, they will be taught to swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres using a range of strokes.
  8. Pupils will be taught how to perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
  9. We will use our outdoor area to give valuable experiences in which children can explore natural spaces to enhance personal social and technical skills.


Through our physical education curriculum and Specialist coaching, pupils will develop an understanding of how to develop, apply and improve their knowledge, skills and understanding of physical education in different physical activities and sport. Children will learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. They will enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing with each other as they exercise their bodies and build their skills. Our children will learn how to compete with humility, grace and respect and aspire to be the best they can be. We want them to develop a love of sport and exercise through our curriculum and carry this through beyond their time at Humshaugh First School.

We are doing Gymnastics in Spring 1.