School council


The children in Years 1 to 4 have meetings to discuss and debate various issues and also to decide on which charity to fundraise for.

For the summer term, the children voted to support UNICEF and chose 3 fundraising activities including a cake sale, movie afternoon and wear what you want to school day. It was held on Friday 9th June and all proceeds were given to UNICEF.

Well done also to the children who applied for School Council. All those who haven’t already been on School Council were allocated a place. In the end, due to time constraints, we didn’t need to go to a secret ballot.

The new School Council Team are:

Bella, Darcey, Euan, Charlie A, Maisie, Isla C, Harry H, Harry B, Andrej and Jenny-well done for your detailed applications, I was very impressed.

Keep an eye on the School Council noticeboard in the corridor for news and updates.